Sunday, August 22, 2010


Here are a few pointers to guide you towards a better drive in the mountains.

  • First and foremost, be nice.
  • Keep to the left, especially around corners
  • Move out to overtake only when you have a clear line of sight
  • Never stop too close to the vehicle ahead - if it rolls back while trying to start off your car could be damaged. Be courteous and patient - not everybody may have the torque and power you have so show them some consideration
  • Right of way- on narrow roads there may be times when you'll need to wait for an oncoming vehicle to pass. Or you might need to back up to a wider area. It is courteous to give right of way to the driver with the more cumbersome vehicle. 
  • Breakdowns-if you can, do try to help fellow motorists who have broken down on lonely hill roads. I have helped people and have always been helped in similar situations. I call it motoring karma. 
  • Horn Not Ok Please-Go easy on the horn, but do toot it when you are going around corners or blind bends


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